Although the price of products is important from a competitive edge for our customers, the quality of the produced and delivered parts is even of greater importance. Good quality leads automatically to a lower cost in the value chain as processes can run without obstruction, products fit their function and last their expected lifetime.

Especially in the markets that are served, automotive, electronics, industrial, and medical, the quality of a product is vital. Quality being defined as the right product, the right moment at the right cost, from the first to the last product of it’s lifetime.

To endorse this quality objective, KeyTec’s way of operation is certified by the external auditors for IATF 16949 automotive certification, ISO 13485 medical certification and ISO 14001 environmental certification, these on the basis of an ISO 9001 management system. we welcome our customers and it teams to faster continious improvement.

It is KeyTec’s objective to achieve zero defect supply. In a first step this is supported by a set of quality activities, FMEA, control plan, measurement of production release and batch release sample parts. In addition, if a zero ppm level is inevitable, extra measures are implemented for 100% part inspection, either by human inspection, use of checking fixtures or with the use of specific implemented vision systems.